When I have to run errands and I don't want to do a full face of makeup, this is my "go-to" look. I still use a fair amount of products, but it is a more natural everyday kind of look. It's for those days when I don't have the time or energy to "Beat my face to the gods". There are a few different eye looks I'll do, but this is my usual look. I hope you enjoy!

First things first, I always wash my face with a charcoal face wash and a normal wash cloth. I've noticed if I don't wash my face just before I do my makeup, it doesn’t sit right. I often have breakouts and dry skin around my nose and chin, so washing and rinsing my face well is always a must! The face wash I use is Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser, it's has a cooling feeling and does seem to work. It’s honestly really thick and has little black flecks of charcoal in it. If I leave it on for more than a minute or two, my face starts to tingle and feel warm. So I just wash it off and move on to my moisturizer. I have been using the Nicel Daily Repair with Vitamin A and Retinol for about three years. I always got it at Big Lots for less than two dollars, but I have not been able to find it the last few times I had been there. I have seen it on Amazon though! Before I start my makeup, I throw on my chap stick in the flavor Pumpkin Pie.

Now on to the actual makeup! I always do eyes first. No matter what I do, I always have fall out. I start by priming my eyes with the hard candy primer and I put down a matte creamy nude color all over by wet n wild in Brulee. It helps make the rest of the shadows blend better and even everything out. I use the Wet N Wild Pallet in Comfort zone. It has super soft, pigmented shadows. I take the warm pinky brown shade on my lids then put the warm brown / blue shifty one in the crease. It’s comparable to Mac’s Blue Brown pigment.

After that, I clean up the fall out and move on to primer and foundation. I mix one pump of my green redness relief elf primer in with two pumps of my covergirl foundation in shade 810. Mixing them like that seems to make my foundation stay on longer than normal. When I’m in a rush, and want my foundation to look natural, I blend it in with my hands. The coverage is still nice and looks so much more natural than if I use a sponge. If needed, I’ll add some extra foundation to any spots and my under eyes with my real techniques miracle complexion sponge. I do have pretty dark circles. After, I set everything with my coty Air spun loose face powder. I love how it smells, it reminds me of my grandma. I always add a Bronzer to the "classic 3" area, if I don’t I look washed out. I like to bronze up with the Wet N Wild Coloricon Contouring Pallet. It also has a matte highlight shade, which I sometimes use under my eyes if I need more brightening. My favorite Blush is my Avon blush in Classic aura. It’s a gentle mauve, and looks really flattering on my skin tone. For highlight, I use the one I made myself. I highlight my cheek bones and above my brow, the tip of my nose and my cupids bow.

Last thing I do is finish my eyes, lips and set everything. I put on Rimmel Scandleyes waterproof "sparkling black" eye liner. I put it in my water line and tight line. Then I use my holy grail Maybelline the rocket mascara in waterproof on my top and bottom lashes. I put on like one and a half coats. focusing on my top lashes. I lightly fill my brows and brush them out in with the Jordana Fabubrow eyebrow pencil in dark brown. Personally, it’s too warm for me, and I’m looking into getting a more ashy one. If you have any suggestions, let me know down below. I use my Elf Mist & Set to keep everything in place and while its drying, I put on some gloss. My favorite is Maybelline The Elixir Colorsensational in shade 90, Rose Redefined. It's one of those glosses that is super shiny and long lasting, but not sticky. It has a grandma smell I love!
Then I’m done! It usually takes me about fifteen to twenty minutes to do it all and feel a lot more confident going out and about. I do have a lot of acne, acne scars and redness on my cheeks that bother me. If I’m having a decent skin day I’ll just wear mascara, eye liner, fill my brows in lightly and wear some chap stick and call it a day. I’m going to have some photos of the products and me throughout the steps! I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and if you want me to do anymore like this with different looks, let me know down below!
Thank you all for reading!
Xoxo Lulu.